Ref: Alpha Graphic Fade with Inertia

I am in ref: Alpha Graphic Fade with Inertia by Kirupa and I wonder if there is a way to make background change automatically without a mouse

i think dan could answer that, seeing as how he made that tutorial. Its a cool tutorial, and i used the effect on my site for a while… it was five Bryce pics of the same watery scene, with each having a different ambience and feel to it. Maybe i can upload and post it for all to see…

Who is Dan and how do I can get in touch with him

yech man why don’t you post your stuff that would be a really nice thing to see

i PM’d Dan (he’s a mod here), with a link to this post, so he will see this. Who knows if he can help though…

If all you see is a quote about rednecks, then click the text, to procede to the Alpha Inertia Fade part…

<embed src= height=400 width=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash></embed><br>

Props to Dan :cool: and Kirupa :ub: for the awesome effect!!

do you have your web site where i can look.


how can I get in touch with Dan

give him a day or so. He will show eventually, and if not, there are plenty of other actionscripting guru’s around here that can help you out…

to find a persons website, click on the little button underneath each post…

hey man that was pretty cool I use Bryce 5 as well. its a pretty good software, do you liek Maya 4.5 or 3D MAx

Dan is here! I am glad you liked my tutorial.

Yes you can make the effect work without the mouse. Make a movie clip and place a ball inside of it and center it, give that movie clip an instance name of follower. Animate that clip around the movie, then make the clip alpha setting to 0%. Change in the scripts where it says _xmouse to follower._x and _ymouse to follower._y.

HI Dan I am glad you here. Yes I love this one I Am going to use if for my work. but i don’t understand “the ball” thing"
do i have to create or draw a “ball” or what?

i have a folder with some images and I have another layer called script so do I have to make another layer for “the ball”…???


How about you message me on AIM later, I will edit your .fla and then send it back to you. Then you can look through it and see what I did and if you need any more help I will just have to walk you through it.

sounds great

i think the idea is to create an invisible ball, that moves around the screen to simulate a mouse cursor doing the same. Making the changes he suggested, should not be too hard.

Try this.
On a new layer, create a circle, and then with it highlighted, press f8. give it a name, and make sure its a movie clip. Then drop the alpha to zero percent. make sure it has the instance name ‘follower’ Animate it so it moves around your scene in a looped fashion…

Then make the changes to the code as dan specified… and test your movie… If you are having problems, post your FLA file here, and i’ll help you along step by step…

yech it worked well

and it Make sense now with this “ball”.

thank you guys