Reference Books

Hey, I’m hoping to do more web design in the near future, and I have some questions about reference books.

In the past I’ve always been cheap and used online tutorials ( is excellent) but now that I’m hoping to do more I was wondering whether getting real books is worth it.

I already know at least the basics of the stuff, so I don’t really want beginners books or anything, but I’m an ‘advanced’ user, not ‘expert.’

I would like books for:
JavaScript (maybe)
But it doesn’t have to all be at once. (yes I know some will probably be combined into one book.) Furthermore, I think that having all my books from the same publisher would be nice, for both consistency and so that they would reference to each other and play nicely.

Does anybody have opinions on the matter? Recommendations? Books you like? Don’t like?

All input is wanted :)!