Wish me luck. Hopefully I will be back in about 30 minutes.
;( :*( :pirate: :s: :A+: :hair:
Wish me luck. Hopefully I will be back in about 30 minutes.
;( :*( :pirate: :s: :A+: :hair:
Good luck Jubba. =)
good luck:beam:
haha, good luck as well. Man, evertime I do that something happens that takes like 5 hours and it sucks every time.
It’s been 40 minutes, maybe jubba died?
30 min?
This must be the FIRST place he is going when he get’s it done. It takes at least 20 min to install windows, not to mention the formatting time and setting things up…
Are you including the one hour of swearing, kicking and punching your hand through the monitor, thereby requiring another trip to Fry’s for a new system?
ah yes ren - how could I forget the obligitory punching of the monitor…
*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**Are you including the one hour of swearing, kicking and punching your hand through the monitor, thereby requiring another trip to Fry’s for a new system? **
hahaha :trout:
haha Thanks for the support guys. Yea, as always something happened. For some reason, after I created a directory on the C:\ and copied my windows files into that folder (it makes the installation process run faster), my computer decided to not let me access that folder. I have everything installed properly and running correctly. Its like a brand new computer. I love this feeling. Now I just have to install all my Macromedia crap and get my color settings back to normal.
I know what you mean man, there is nothing like starting from scratch - all the mistakes you made from before that you couldnt undo and such - all erased
Good Work Bud.
i did that by accident a while back…
awesome, what did you do ?!? Reinstall os ?
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Back @ school yet Jubba? You must be, if this is your computer…
Reformats are nice, everything is all clean and stuff afterwards-
pj **
…yeah, but it’s such a pain to reinstall everything. you get a **** good feeling afterwards though.
I need to reformat my computer tomorrow or Saturday - the comp does run really fast for a few mins before all the “stuff” gets installed again.
Kirupa :hangover:
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