Remember this

hey just dawned on me do u all remember “K-Team” lol it never really did take off did it there was like me and kit and sum1 else i cant remember doing designs out of like 15 on the design team and 5 or so people doing it on the media player team lol oh well would of been awesome if it worked.

Cya later


That failed with flying colors :thumb:

just like KirupaVille :slight_smile:

yeh i think we should think up something that will actually work lol it would be fun to actualy keep it up

we do, pixel people. but if those things took off, it would have been gold…

well pixel ppl is easier to maintain, cause it’s just one person inserting pixel ppl in a flash movie :slight_smile:

members only have to make a singe person, whereas in KirupaVille, members would have to make something bigger :slight_smile:

Shame it never took off… :frowning: no-one posted their parts of the Ville to me… well a few did, but I needed at least 20-30 before it would look cool to set them together… :slight_smile:

and then we started talking about habbo hotel kinda thing…we made it more compliicated than it neded to be.

maybe we should start with something easier and work from there? Anyone want to team up to draw a line together?

yep… it was meant to be static…

t’would be kewl to start it again… or… nah…

If I’m getting into pixel art again, it’ll be a town of my own :slight_smile:

same here. i do it a little, but not much…just not enough time anymore

I’m just not doing it :slight_smile:

right now I’m spening time at the soldat forums… My map is getting in the official map-pack (why, I dunno), so… yeah…

oh and I’m thinking of a design for my site… decided to scrap flash on my own site, and just go with a static one…

i said the same thing, but now ia m back to flash., its crazy. but i acctually started work on a site that i like, so i think it will work this time!@

yeh i was thinkin bout making a new static site for my site and have both flash and static but then I thought i might just close the site. its been a while since ive updated it and I never get the time and im always doing other peoples sites and things. who knows I need a new Idea.


Ya kirupaville just got out of hand. IT might have made it further if step one “Making the buildings” was finished before trying to make it liek habbo.

Pixel People is hard enough some times to get updated.