It was a while since I posted in these forums and I need some help removing what I call the “squareness” of an image! I have been in this situation my times and have never really found an tutorial or suggestion on how to accomplish this task! In this case I have a b/w photo with mountains and I’m going to add some other features to it like text but first I want to make the photo “blend” with the paper rather than look like a big block when I print it!
I’ve attached the image! I tried to remove some of the detail which was white to have the paper fill it in and thus blend better! Can someone help me?
Let me try to explain, I am not at home so I can’t drop you screen grabs but this is what I think you may want to do:
Open new image: your size by your size
Choose fill and use a color/pattern to fill the layer.
Make a new layer/ open your squary image and drag it onto the new image.
Now, for masking on the with the top layer selected look below and click on the grey box with the little circle on it. This should make a second box on the right of your selected layer.
Your almost there. Click in the newly created little square on the selected layer. you are now modifying the mask, so don’t fear about screwing up your image. hit the “d” key, which will reset your colors. Now when you paint with a brush, you are fading the mask by switching the colors you can repaint the mask. You can adjust brush opacity shape etc…
I will try and redo this with images. Let me know if this makes any sense.
yeah take my, explanation but use a feathered selection, select around your image, the cntrl+shift+i to invert selection. select quick mask mode then fill the selection with black. That will give a better shaped mask. This was a quick explanation you may have to play with it a lil bit.