:thumb: for those of you who get comedy central watch Reno 911 it is the funniest show, well one of the funniest shows, i have ever seen. the personalities of the ‘cops’ and the spoof on the popular fox show Cops mixed make it the funniest thing on earth.
the funniest thing i have seen so far:
two lady partners go to get a guy who was disrupting the peace or something and so he goes to run inside, trips knocks himself out. meanwhile they cant climb up the deck so by they time they do he wakes up and then runs through the house and is about to go through the window when they catch him. then he runs back through the house and steals the cop car then they are like breathig all heavy and they are like “Lets just lie, and say he tried to rape us…lets just say that.” then they realize the camera got that and so they start to chase him.
there is another one too but its to long and hard to discribe.
it is a big hit for them, or it should be. so far there are two episodes both times i couldnt stop laughing. i havent laughed out loud at a TV show in a while and this just hit the spot. if you can catch it like i said. or download a clip or something.
i saw part of it last night… two officers proceeded to scare the crap out of these two jehovah’s witnesses, then they got back in their squad car, and started laughing and high-fiving… too funny…
I lived in Reno for a couple years while I was married…
a man was found shot 5 times in his Taxi. The Reno Police found the gun in the man-made lake, in front of which the taxi was parked. In their infinite wisdom, the District Atty’s office determined it was a case of suicide.