Requested Feature for Adobe Products

How about a little itty bitty “Cancel” button built in on the splash screen for all Adobe products. That way when you accidently hit one on your Quick Launch tool bar you don’t have to wait for it to load before you can close it out (which i am doing right now). :to:

Yea good idea. Let’s not load the Photoshop stuff!

If I would ever acsedently hit the button,

it would be handy for slow computers but since mine boots up photoshop in less then 2 seconds I don’t mind…

I mostly have waits with AE6.5 and Maya 6 (Alias is a subsidiary of Adobe), the new editions of photoshop load pretty fast, I agree :slight_smile:

Alias is its own company now - thats why there is no more Wavefront in the name, i think it got spun off of Adobe if i remember right.

alias was owned by SGI ! and just got bought for something around 60million, and they weren’t sold to adobe!

ctr-alt-delete it - it’s pretty quick…

Or grab yourself some more memory, PS doesn’t take too long to load. But I must say, not a bad idea :slight_smile: :lol:

Aw I hate waiting for Maya to open up! I have Maya 5 and I swear it takes like a minute or so on a 2ghz system.

Hmm… my bad i always thought adobe had a hand in maya… (they use the same 3d type of tools in AE anyway) … but still, 1 ghz ram and athlon-xp 2400, i’m not buying any more memory until it’s in my 64bit box :te:

Oh yeah, and sometimes if you ctrl+alt+delete adobe programs when they’re loading it can mess up the settings in the Documents And Settings\YourUsername\Local Settings\Adobe\whatever directory, causing either you to have to reset your rulers from inches to pixels, or even making the program close when you try to load it up. Not good.