According to this little article here straight from GDC it seems on thursday we may all know Nintendos plan on the release date of the revolution or whatever they plan to call it now its also rumored that the console might ship in June if this is true Sony better get their act together and get the PS3 finished by November delaying it anymore would hurt them.
I cant wait! This thing is gonna be fun! I am glad they are changing the name too.
Really? i kinda liked the name revolution, theyre saying its gonna be called Nintendo RS WTF???
Lets see what Iwata San decides to name it thursday. :-/
Revolution was never meant to be it’s final name, it was only a code-name. Although, I kind of like Revolution too.
Yeah I liked revolution as well.
I kind of like revolution, but I kind I think it sounds too “cool” for what the system will be. Its like with the “Ultra 64” - it wasnt ultra and aptly got a name change.
RS is retarded.
RS is retarded.
RS = Really ****ty
RS? Eh… Nevermind, I like Revolution better. I thought it shouldn’t really be called “Nintendo Revolution” because I think every single one of Nintendo’s new consoles should be a revolution. If that makes sense…
:lol: makes sense if you take into consideration what sen said :lol:
by the way, what did DS stand for?
“deep sh*t”
LMFAO this is a heaka funny thread.
Dual Screen
So what would RS stand for? (besides retarded system :cowbell: )
I think it’s too close to DS to work. You can say gameboy and know you’re not talking about NES… of course they did name their last system the game… cube. Maybe it will be RS. I do kind of like that boot up screen with RS, though. Ive seen a few, but this one seems the most likely to be something that would actually be from the system
Though, I think if they want to focus on the quick loading aspect of the system, they would have sped up some of those fades.
As long as they get rid of those silly different sized circles in RevOlution, I think Ill be OK.
Revolution System?
Real Sleek? :huh:
That would be my guess. :-/
Still sounds retarded IMO :ko:
Engadget posted a “leaked picture” that’s titled Nintendo GO.
What Engadget failed to realize is that “go” in Japanese means “five.”
is that important?
I like GO less. It sounds retarded to say.
Well look at the bright side you can talk to it, ie. nintendo go get out of here lmao :lol: