Get your hands on genuine props and costumes from Red Dwarf!

Have you ever wanted to own Rimmer’s revision timetable? One of the Cat’s snazzy outfits? How about an original model from Series V? If the answer is yes, then first of all you should contact a psychotherapist, and after that call your bank manager. The Propstore of London are here with the most exciting Red Dwarf merchandise ever.

click here for link


LOL oh Rev when will your obbsesion end.

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**LOL oh Rev when will your obbsesion end. **


What the hell is Red Dwarf?

click the link and learn…

once you watch the show, you will be sucked in forever… just ask anyone from England…


awesome i am getting the howl package

he speaks the truth this one does… its one of the classic comedy shows… i wonder if theyve got the can of dog food lister had to eat one episode… :

I would love to go to the propstore…

it would be sooooo cool.


So, its a kind of star trek spoof?

no, not even close

it is it’s own entity, unlike anything else…

it is, however, a sci-fi comedy.


Ack, smite the non-believer… :stuck_out_tongue:

I know where this place is. :slight_smile: It’s not technically in London, it’s out West in Middlesex. Place called Rickmansworth, near where I used to live. :slight_smile:

What wouldn’t I give for some Red Dwarf memorabilia… :slight_smile:

Awesome!!! I’m going! :bad:

  • Soul :s:

it’s not cheap…

but yeah, I’d hock my left nipple nut for Rimmer suit…


Just one of his H’s would be sooo cool. :beam:

I’d go to work wearing that.

No, seriously. I would…

from what I understand, they kept falling off… they couldn’t find a glue that would stick to Chris’s head with the heat of the lights…

so most of them ended up disappearing mysteriously… they auctioned one off at a convention for megapounds…


Yeah, there were a couple of smeg ups on one of the videos where his H kept dropping off in the middle of his lines. :stuck_out_tongue: Plus he couldn’t say the line properly anyway. :sure:

Those two outtakes tapes never cease to have me in stitches. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen smeg ups, but not smeg outs…

I think…

those rarely get broadcast here


You can get them on tape (not sure about DVD) from the BBC I think, or Amazon. One of them has mostly early series, the other later series… The later one is the funnier, it has to be said. :slight_smile:

that is what I have heard…

I can buy them from several places online… I’m just too cheap… I haven’t paid for any of the 7 seasons I have on tape yet…


Most of mine are recorded off the BBC, except seasons 1 and 2. :slight_smile: I was pretty young when those two were first broadcast, so I came into it on season 3.

Of course, they’re showing re-runs now I went out and got the two DVDs… :sure: