Rotating menu issue, HELP!

I am trying to create a rotating menu that rotates around the horizontal axis. At first the menus rotate 360 degrees and it all worked fine and the distance between the menus are equally spaced.

But then I changed it so that the menus only rotate in half the circle. When the animation first plays, it runs sweet but after a while I start noticing the distance between the menus are no longer equally spaced. I have been trying to figure it out for days, but the solutions I come up with just doesn’t work at all.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could give me some help here. I can already imagine myself looking at this for the next few months and still don’t know what to do :crying:.

Here’s the function for rotating each of the menu, it is registered with the enter frame event.

In the constructor the angle of each menu is set to i * (maximumAngle - minimumAngle)/numberOfSelections + minimumAngle

where i goes from 0 to numberOfSelections

maximumAngle is 1.5 PI, minimumAngle is 0.5 PI.

    //Move the menus according to rotate speed and angle
    public function RotateSelections(e:Event):void {
        //Calculate the x and y position = Math.cos( * radiusX + centerX; = -1 * Math.sin( * radiusY + centerY;

        //Calculate the scale 
        var s = /(centerX+radiusX); = = s * scaleFactor;

        //Calculate the angle
        var newAngle:Number = + speed;

        //Something could be wrong here, but I don't know what
        if (newAngle > maximumAngle) {
            //Selections are moving downwards
            newAngle = minimumAngle;                
        } else if (newAngle < minimumAngle) {
            //Selections are moving upwards
            newAngle = maximumAngle;
        //Sort out the depth

Hi All,

I am Reema, new member.
I have a new topic to enquiry. Hope anyone of you can help me:)

I would like to know how can I separate the core from the GUI for Multimedia Conferencing System using Flash.
Please kindly help me!!! This is very important for me.
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