Rotating Menu ...continued

hi all

still progressing with the rotating menu, I am trying change the values so that I can position correctly but I can’t seem to tweak it?

as the menu rotates the other images resize and get smaller, I think its somewhere within the script that is doing this, I would like it not to resize as it rotates away from center.

but I can’t seem to find what is making it do this?

is this making any sense, i have been changing these values, but not quite working;

values I have been looking at on the at line 38

private var _activeItemScale:                    Number                = 0.7;   
        private var _minVisibleScale:                    Number                = -2.9; 
        private var _minVisibleAlpha:                    Number                = 0.5;

this changes the sizes of images but does not effect resize as it rotates?

and this at line 155

public function get visibleItems():int
            return _visibleItems;
        public function set visibleItems( value:int ):void
            if ( value < 2 ) value = 2;
            if ( value / 2 is int ) value += 1;
            _visibleItems = value;
            _maxOffset = Math.round( value / 2 );

and line 383

private function positionItems():void
            if ( numChildren == 0 ) return;
            var maxAngle:Number = _maxOffset * _angleSpacing;
            var item:Sprite;
            var hideItem:Boolean;
            var angle:Number;
            var offset:int;
            var tX:Number;
            var tY:Number;
            var tS:Number;
            var tR:Number;
            var tA:Number;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++) 
                offset = (i + 1) - _currentIndex;
                angle = limit(offset * _angleSpacing, -180, 180) * toRADIANS;
                hideItem = Math.abs( offset ) >= _maxOffset;
                item = super.getChildAt(i) as Sprite;
                item.mouseChildren = !hideItem;

                tX = _innerRadius * Math.cos( angle );
                tY = _innerRadius * Math.sin( angle );
                tS = offset == 0 ? activeItemScale : 1 - ( Math.abs(offset / (_maxOffset - 1)) * ( 1 - minVisibleScale ) );
                tR = angle * toDEGREES;
                tA = hideItem ? 0 : 1 - ( Math.abs(offset / (_maxOffset - 1)) * ( 1 - minVisibleAlpha ) );
                if ( tS < 0 ) tS = 0;
       item, 0.5, { x:tX, y:tY, rotation:tR, scaleX:tS, scaleY:tS, alpha:tA, ease:Expo.easeOut } );

I have been trying to change the values with the as files but I cannot seem to get the menu how I want it regarding size and space of images, everytime I change a value it makes another part of the menu images to resize???

would anyone beable to help with any suggestions as to which are the correct values to change within the and/or

if you like you can download the files from the links below, I have attached a jpg layout of what I am trying to get it looking like



I have also attached a folder containing just the as files &

many thanks for any help