Rotation messes things up

What the heck, every time i implement rotation, it makes everything go upside down and inside out. Somebody wanna tell me how to make this work properly

var line1:greLine = new greLine();
var line2:greLine = new greLine();

line2.y = 200
line1.y =200
line2.x = 100
line1.x =100
line1.width = 0
line1.height = 5
line2.height = 0

line2.rotation = 90, 1, {width: 500});, 1, {height: 500})

It plays out as two intersecting lines (both are part of the greLine class), going right and going down


I think it might be important to note that if you have something that’s, say 1px height and 200 px width like thus;

And you put rotation 90 on it to make it like thus;


Then you still need to tween it’s width to make it taller/shorter. Not height. It’s the same property, just that your object is rotated. Get what I mean?

Yeah i did, but wierd things happen. I ended up just using two movieclips.