Very stylised, but there you go.
:o me wants to see a picture of you like that hehe
not j/kin
but still a very nice entry ya sure have my vote
Do you have that outfit? Could we see a picture.
Very nice Kit. Great work as always… make sure David doesn’t see this
jaw drops
- Soul :s:
looks good kit.
haha jubba and soul, you guys are funny!!!
huba huba! lol looks great as always!
mmmhhh :reconsiders doing the **** contest thing:
jaw dropped… hey it’s funny your sweet lady seems to have sun tan on the b00bs and not outside of it… nevermind it’s the shadow i guess…
SHADDOWS? shouldnt they be UNDER these objects of desire, not ON them?
Kit, the pic is almost perfect, just look at this tiny little nose and this mouth… :love: :sigh: spittledropsoutofwideopenedmouth;)
wow, have nev0r seen such a beautiful face (not even in my wettest dreams )
one more thing: i think theres somthing weird about the right boob. dont know how to describe.
but the rest is :A+: :beam:
*Originally posted by fishtank *
wow, have nev0r seen such a beautiful face (not even in my wettest dreams ) **
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say “yeuck!”
As for your drawing - wow. I would like to second, third - WHATEVER! that you take a picture of yourself in this outfit and post it, I mean we dont know how “real life” this drawing is and for me to feel that i have judged it fairly, I feel I need something to compare it to.
me wanting to see the real photo! =)
Thanks for all the kind (and in some cases, lewd :P) comments everyone.
Do you have that outfit? Could we see a picture
On a public board? I think not.We wouldn’t want to give all the youngsters nightmares, would we?
one more thing: i think theres somthing weird about the right boob. dont know how to describe.
I see what you mean, good point. (-: I’ll try and fix that… Although they’re buggers to draw, you know that? Ever tried… No, I don’t think we’ll go there…
jaw drops
:beam: You, I just love. :love:
make sure David doesn’t see this
I’ll try, but we can make no guarantees.
please let us see a photo of you, only the head. would be interesting how you look…
The leather isn’t neccessary though, right?
no, leather isnt necessary, we even accept a pic without you wearing anything…
no leather. just a CLEAR head…lol…but not the passport one…
I’ll work on that.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
:beam: You, I just love. :love:
guys…getta room… lol jk