Rush Limbaugh

I took the last option … I like to be fed the same music day in, day out. It’s comforting knowing I’m stripped of my individuality, thrown in a mix with thousands of other people my age, and forced to hear the same tunes everyday.

Just brand my *** and call me 100% Free of My Own Thoughts

lol BadMagick

Lush Rimjob used have my admiration, but then I came to realize that his main objective is to hate on Democrats, and a true intellectual would not limit himself by claiming allegiance to one party alone. He does make some good points, but its too bad its all one-sided… I would like to see a Celebrity Deathmatch between him and Michael Moore… It’d be pretty interesting…

I don’t like RL - the Republicans aren’t perfect and every problem is not caused by the Democrats C:-)

no disciples yet? awww

Oh well, I wonder who voted for FLAMING LIBERAL, heh.

But come on, I have to respect anyone who invented such sweet words like “femme-nazi”

I prefer: A chance for Partly Cloudy skys.

Tomorrow: there will be mixed sun and clouds with a chance of scattered showers.

The next day: Patchy sun with a chance of scattered afternoon showers.

…don’t forget the talent on load from god…

EDIT: oops! did i make an accidental funny?? i guess i’ll leave it…

Lol, on “Load”