Lyndon LaRouche, the media, and other things!


The mainstream media is controlled.

You obviously don’t read the NY Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times like I do. Those “mainstream media” outlets dig up every bit of dirt humanly possible on the Bush administration.

They do? Then im sure your familiar with the Japanese War Tribunal that wants to try Bush and his Administration for War Crimes commited in Afghanistan. No you havn’t read that in your so-called ‘un-biased’ reporting.


Screw left or right. Partisan Politics is a sham. As Bill Hicks observantly pointed out, “Its one guy holding up both puppets!”

I dont hafta read them to know that they are diametrically opposed!! (you also just confirmed it)They are fighting with one another to create the illusion of two seperate sides fighting for control, when in reality, both sides are controlled. Its one guy holding up both puppets!! Who am i talking about?? Read this thread:


None of the mainstream Democratic canidates have the balls to ofiicially chastize the bush administration the way that it deserves.

You obviously haven’t been watching the debates either, have you? The the level of nastiness and the lack of respect through these debates has been unprecidented. At least now we know why you’re so willing to believe this garbage - simply put, you’re letting reality take a backseat to your hatred for Bush.

**hahahahahaha. Who is Lyndon LaRouche? Is he or is he not running for President as a Democratic canidate? Surely if the news was unbiased, and objective in its reporting, this man would have been able to participate in the democratic debates.

If you think the things talked about by democrats in the media are harsh on bush, then must really not be familier with LaRouche. He is a real critic of the system, not a pretend critic, just toeing the typical party line. Of course democrats are gonna rip bush, to get a spot at the Oval Office. They certainly couldn’t praise him, and then expect to win an election against him.**


You do not need to control all journalists, only the editors at those papers and newstations.

There are some absolutely flaming liberal editors of major newspapers in this country that would argue from the bottom of their shoes against any charge of being in bed with the Bush administration. The fact that you’re totally oblivious to this again makes me think you may have never even read a single op-ed piece from the wide sampling of left-wing newspapers in this nation.

I’m still laughing out loud right now trying to imagine someone could be so conspiracy-minded as to think all the editors in the nation are in cahoots with the Bush administration. It’s totally laughable.

** you dont get it do you!! They dont hafta be in cahoots with just the republicans or just the democrats. You are still stuck in your partisan mentality, and it prevents you from seeing the bigger picture. Republicans and Democrats are two sides to the same coin! they argue, and bicker, back and forth, while foreign and domestic policy continues heading in the same direction…**


Anyone seems to be capable of questioning my sources, but god forbid they check their own.

I actually read more left-wing newspapers than right-wing because I’m addicted to taking in the way these lefties spin the issues and try to torpedo the Bush administration. The fact that you don’t even realize that there are newspapers whose greatest joy in life is to cast the Bush administration in the worst possible light is amazing to me.

The worst possible light? The mainstream liberal media is going pretty light on bush when compared to the rest of free press. Besides, when has the media not bagged on a president in office. If no one was critical of bush’s policies in the press, it would be quite apparent that it was all controlled. So articles come and go, but nothing changes. Do you think that if that Japanese War Tribunal finds Bush and his cronies guilty of War Crimes, that it will even be acknowledged by the American Mainstream Press??

You need to break out of your Partisan Politics Cell Block, and realize that its not Republican vs. Democrat. Its Government against Citizen, and has always been. No, wait, they have our best interests in mind, and they only lie to us for our own good, right??

So go ahead, dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist, and i will dismiss you as another stooge, perpetuating a divided nation, via Partisan Political issues.