What do you think of my site? It’s my first Flash site ever.
any comments appreciated a lot.
What do you think of my site? It’s my first Flash site ever.
any comments appreciated a lot.
Hiya! me again!
Its great for your first flash site, i am impressed. Love your randomly moving buttons and their rollovers.
The only problem that i saw was that the text in the right panel is a little hard to read with the 3D animation in behind it. Dont get rid of it or anything, please keep it. But maybe when one of the buttons is pressed and the text fades in, instead have a almost transparent white panel which fades in with the text over the animation, fading the animation out a bit, but still keeping it slightly visible to make the text easier to read. Then when another button is pressed the panel and text fade out you can see the animation fully again before the next set of info fades in over the top again.
Hope you understand what i mean and i’ve not just rambled nonsense. It is only a suggestion, hope it helps. Keep up the good work!
nice. love the 3D work. great beginning
Yes Julz, I was thinking about that in the start, so I faded that 3D logo out. It’s quite simple for me to do it a bit more.
As for that starting page, it was really just a bit of a rush to get that up. I’ll probably fix that up soon.
Supree, what do you mean by the flash is too white? do you mean it doesn’t have enough colour?
Thank you all for comments.
yup, it aint got solid substance too.
I agree with Julz, You need to lose that 3d animation behind the text or make it more trasparent. THe site is a bit slow too, maybe increasing the frame rate would improve the 3d animations, and the flow to your site.
This might be my opinion, but personally i dont like to chase things to select them, It’s fun , looks cool and all, but i rather have a static menu, with some nice rollover effects than random moving graphics, It might be just me that feels this way, what does everyone else think??
Thanks for the reviews everyone!
Yeah, I probably will change the transparency on that 3D animation. As for the buttons, would changing the speed that they move help? I’ll see how changing the frame rate helps as well. The only problem with this is that alpha fades take up a lot of processing power, and if you have a slow PC, then it can make the problem worse…
EDIT: I just checked your website Soulty, lookin good:)
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