:S My school wants me to

lol, we have one techie at my school… we always point and laugh at him.
funny character he is :stuck_out_tongue:

1800 students…psh…2 years ago my school had 5,000 students…with our pII 333’s, and our T1 that was slower then dial up.

And my school is grades 7-12, too. Two years ago we had 2.0 Ghz P4’s at our school, the servers had gigabit ethernet.


wow. we only just got these: http://ht.com.au/Scripts/xworks.exe?PART:N0587#Tof this year…

ours runs on fiber optic line… no idea what speed exactly tho… havent bothered to look…have a lab full of p4’s and then 3 other labs withmacs

:lol: :bad: