Alright… So I’m a junior in highschool and I’ve been developing web pages for about 4 years now. This year im taking web design I finally because it fits in my schedule. I know more about server side scripting then my teacher. The school and IT department want me to set up a MySQL database that stores Scholarship information and returns with a list when you query… They are even setting up a server in the lab for me to work with… Lol… thought this kinda funny… just thought I’d share…
That’s great! Congrats
i know someone who’s gonna get some dirty money to modify the database himself…
good for you !
Now maybe you won’t get beaten up that often anymore! You oughta run for hall manager as well! :thumb:
Just kidding, just kidding
Good for you man!
[size=1]I’m drunk. Don’t hurt me.
No I’m not. :bad:[/size]
El Thierro that was a good joke
JW06 at least you’ll be able to hide behind you’re server when the older kids are after u as for girls you’ll be too busy with you’re server to care
No…really…GOOD LUCK
lol good ones guys Just got done talking to the web teacher there are about 20 feilds taht need to searched… along with modified, deleted ect.
Lookin to be fun
lol thanks for the jokes?
Just an FYI, it’s “your” not you’re. “Your” signals possession; “You’re” is a contraction of “you” and “are.”
HUH? lol…
Make sure to host as much pr0n as possible on it :beam:
Lol, you’re wasting your time :lol:
LOL. make sure there’s a nice little script hidden in there to allow you to get in and change your grades
wish my school would give me a server…
Wizard you’re the man!
Yeldarb that ones for you
Haha :lol: :thumb:
:lol: :lol:
I’m making a websote for the school bank for my senior project…apparently noone knows that I have been designing for a while… :evil:
o yea… backdoor to the school grade system… definetaly lol… That would be the best thing ever… :evil:
lol, good stuff
they’ll probably make you sign some agreement saying you won’t put some devious script on the server…
btw… why doesn’t your school have an IT technitian?
btw… why doesn’t your school have an IT technitian?
That’s a very good question. My school only has like 1800 students and we had 3 full-time IT people. Not to mention a room full of servers, etc.
hmmm… maybe its because of his locale. Or maybe his school’s old school and doesn’t see the need to have one. OR maybe there is like one IT dude for the whole district and he doesn’t have the time to develop and run a server because he’s too busy repairing overhead projectors and such. Maybe we should let him answer. ENOUGH SPECULATION!
We have one big tech guy who administrates everything… and then 3 other techies that run around our district… Its a large district… and they figure… if they get can a web I student to do it… then lets get him to… They dont know PHP and MySQL… they just dont have time to learn i guess… but yes… We have multiple rooms with servers also