Well as some of you in the Ontario Region may know, there was a bad car accident yesterday where a trasport truck went through the centre median and killed do people in different cars.
Turns out one of those drives is a friend of mine I went to highschool with.
well in highschool - especailly grades 9 = 11 there were like 4 of us that hung out all the time together. We used to stay at eachothers place, go golfing all the time, play basketball - you know kids stuff. I remember when he first got his licence, he came to pick me up and backed up into the neighbours car - his first day on the road
As time went on though - as most friendships do - we drifted apart, all of us did really. I mean, At graduation we all hung out and went for dinner and that whole thing but we werent quite as close as we all used to be. I still talked to him when he would come to town and I still see his parents all the time around the town.
So I guess, even though we werent as close as we once had been, we were still good friends. I have to now call the others and let them know - as I know they would do the same for me.