
good though.

Throw something into the white bg and blend it. Like a car accident or an emercancy vehicle or something. To much white

that would be hideous if i did that.

simple but boring
nice but trendy
its ok

That wouldn’t be hidiou. it is following a theme. IT will make it a little more interesting. You aren’t doing nayting hidious untill you are doing what this guy does this hsit is scary.

its a great start, I think you can add a bit of stuff to maybe tell a story through your art, that would send it over the edge man

*Originally posted by mynameissteve *
**that would be hideous if i did that. **

I agree. It’s already on the border of becoming “too busy.” Adding the another element would make it overdone. It’s fine the way it is, in my opinion anyway…

I think it looks good. The squigly lines on the lower left (looks almost like a “ts”) looks a little out of place. But other than that, I think it’s well-composed.