Saving real player streaming audio to harddrive?

hello all,

I listen to some great music on and i got to thinking, is there any way to save this music to my hard-drive so i can have an archive of my favourite shows?

had a peak in the source code and found where the .rpm file is found. Of course that’s just a tiny file.

Does anyone have any idea on how to save this music? any ideas of some funky shareware program that lets me do this?

i have a recording studio and could record the whole thing into cubase, but that just seems like a well long winded way of doing it! Imagine recording for 2 hours, waiting another hour for my slow pc to save it. Then have to cut it all up, and mixdown every track. Far too much hassle!

so if anyone has any ideas, i’m all ears



try searchin here for some tools i know theres one but i dont quite remember


that’s one large, scary site! i’ll have a look later. If you come up with the name of the tool, let me know.


hey grim (and everyone else),

i found the most brilliant software to do what i needed. it is called Realtime 7 Converter and is free! get it at:

**** i love the web.

i’m off now to record all the hottest music, video etc out there!


hey everyone,

nope the software i wrote about is no good! it will only record upto 30 mins. any more than that, and you get a runtime error!

please, if anyone knows of a software that does what i want, let me know.


check any sort of prog that records the sound that passes thru your sound cards - there must be plenty… That’s the only way i know to convert those **** .ram or other streaming formats to some good ol’ wave…

hey milkdesign,

thanks for the tip. I kinda figured that out already. But which software does it? I’ve been searching for a week and i’m not getting any joy!

i’ve been using realtime 7 converter and doing the radio show in sections. that works but i can only do 20 odd mins at a time. Really frustrating! i’ve got a seriously powerful pc and a slower one. But they both max out at around the 20 minute mark.

come on guys, surely someone knows of a good, stable program!

any ideas are welcome. But please reccomend a specific program if you know of one. I’ve been webbing for years, and i still can’t find 1 program for this that works reliably.

thanks everyone,


I don’t think you will get anything free to do it for the length of time you require.
I found this, and does what you need, i think - , but costs.

Or maybe try searching on Cnet downloads.

thanks pro5ject,

i will download the trial and see what i get. I don’t mind paying a nominal fee for this kinda software, after all how else would anything get developed.

I’ll let you all know if it works and how i get on.

again thanks to pro5ject,


the BEST software for this is TOTAL RECORDER.
free to try, $12 to buy. you can do anything with this bad boy. :slight_smile: