URGENT--do you know of

a program that will convert .ram audio files into any other format. curse real player

why, no i dont

I looked a while ago. No, there are none.

“RAM is like M3U - NOT an audio file. You can open this RAM file in NotePad and see why… RAM files contain text, not audio data. The text is a either a URL to a .RA (RealAudio) or .RM (RealMedia) file, or the location of a .RA or .RM file on a local drive (offline). So you cannot convert a .RAM file to WAV or MP3 or any audio format. You need the .RA or .RM file that it points to.”

Found this, sorry seattle.

yeah - actually ram is a link to audio on a server. The only way to ‘record’ it is to play it and at the same time record your sound card(with any audio prog)…

but rreal player sucks, and i dont want to download it. on download.com, 65% (might as well be 655%) hate it

you can get some programs that will record anything that comes out of your sound card, rm included. I am not sure of the names though - But I do know they exist.

ye they do, i have few and use same technology:P

I guess the only draw back is you have to install that crappy *** real player :frowning:

I actually download the RM file using getright. Open notepad, copy the rtsp:// whatever and paste into getright. :slight_smile: Thats what I do… videos are around 10 mb.

and it works?
man u gota teach me that, u mean u dont have to be online to listen to them after u downloaded? amazing

whats get right?

A download manager - it’s a great program for sure