My first mspaint pixelly picture

hey i drew a pic in ms paint pixel by pixel today today from scratch. just thought i’d show ya all. it doesnt have a real “pixelly look” but i did use the pencil tool.

I started at about 6:00 and worked straight through till 11:00. Very time consuming I must say. i kinda like doing it though. it reminds me of knitting… :stuck_out_tongue:

hey just click here!!!

see ya…

thats amazing… nice job!

that looks cool!
reminds me of some super nintendo game :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! you say you drew tis pixel by pixel? amazing!

So nice…

hey thanx everyone,

yeah i made the whole thing with the pencil tool. except for the spots where there is all of the same colour. I’d just draw the outline and fill it with the painbucket tool. No way would i fill those sections in pixel by pixel when the end result would be exactly the same.

It still needs some touching up, but oh well…

i have some respect for you - because using MS paint is like driving a bike when you have a car, it slow and tiring but you feel proud afterwards not to have used your car (in our case, photoshop/painter/coreldraw/psp/whatever)


however to be honest i like how mspaint works to draw pixels. Although I really hate the crappy colour pallette and zoom. It is so time consuming!!!

I tried using ps after and I found it sometimes wouldn’t draw a single pixel when zoomed in to like 1600%. I dont know maybe it was a setting I had but I didn’t like it.

However you are very right about the car/bike comparision. I was determined to draw an ok looking picture in what could be the most basic low budget program that most kids use to draw trees and smiley faces. Kinda like the fulfillment you would get if you made a whole website in notepad.

Anyway I am going to touch it up a bit, if it looks better i’ll put it up.

thanx for the replies…:slight_smile:

but you’ve got to switch to PS if your looking for better colors and more efficient work
(like this, i think it’s souls, made for Kit: )

i personally use PaintShopPro to do pixelart - though I don’t do much =)

yeah i probably would be more efficient…:wink:

nice pic I cannot deal with mspaint you get more props for using it…yeah I am still loyal to psp pro…the new version (8) is cool

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
but you’ve got to switch to PS if your looking for better colors and more efficient work
(like this, i think it’s souls, made for Kit: )

:slight_smile: Or if you want to make bigger more complex pieces…

  • Soul :s:

Hey thats cool, did you draw that castle?

Yup :slight_smile:

i bet it took some time…

sould did you do each shigle one by one?

Pixel by pixel? Yup


someone has some time and patience on their hands (points to soul) (-:

Someone is determined :bad: points to… self