My new movie has two scenes. The first scene displays the title and the creator’s name. Then it goes into the second scene which shows an animation. But when i play it, it show the first scene, then when it goes into the second scene, it only shows the first frame and loops back into the first scene and display the name again. What’s wrong?
Is your animation in the main timeline or is it in a movie clip?
put a stop action in the last frame of the second scene
my animation is in a movie clip. how do i change it into the timeline?
You can highlight the timeline in the movieclip then right click the select cut frame then return to the main movie then right lich on the timeline then select paste frames.
Hope it helped =)
just put the stop on the frame where the movie clip is on scene 2 it stops the main timeline but your movieclip runs independently . In examle your movie clip is on frame one of scene 2 just place a stop on frame one of scene 2 and thats all it sopts the main timeline not the movieclip
Thanks. It’s fixed!
Glad you got it working good job