Scene horror!

Hello everyone…

If a bit puzzeld about this problem I’m having.

I have 2 scenes, the first one is a preloader en at the end it goes to scene 2…in fact, it goed to the framelabel in scene 2…

in Scene 2 there is a simple menu, with buttons…an an empty movieclip called "container’.
Now my problem is, on release, in the MC container I load an swf,…; that all works fine. But after a while, when you pus a button or 4…5 it jumps back to the preloader… in scene one… and there is no reason what so ever to do that.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about ? I just cant see what I’m doing wrong. I’ts all very simple…but stille… the ■■■■ thing goes back to the first scene.

I think I’m going cray here !!! :stare:
Please help me someone…


Dont work with scenes!!! :cantlook:

But I found a great preloader…
and I can’t figure out how to make this one work in 1 scene…

I’ve tried…

could you take a look ?

It’s a tutorial in this forum…

It works in 2 scenes… so how do I get this in 1 scene


Yey, you should make it in just one scene! :rambo:
(Im talking about the fla in the zipfile, i suppose you’ve dl that ? :slight_smile: )
Lets see… on the 40th frame of that preload scene is a line of actionscript:

gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);

[FONT=Courier New] [/FONT] This line tells flash to go the first frame of the scene called “Scene 2”.
If you want to change this, and stay in the currect scene, replace the original line with this one:


What this does, it tells flash to go to the frame with the label “imLoaded”.
Ofcourse you can call you labes anything you want.
This way you stay in the same scene :slight_smile:

or you don’t even have to label the frame, just something like


The number 10 is the frame number, so just substitute in the frame number that you want it to go to.

Boerboel649 is completely right!
But when working with more complex Fla structures, it could be confusing.
Also when you need some extra keyframes, you have to recount all frames and change the code. When working with labels, you can just move the label :wink:

It is quite remaqable…

I tried getting rid of the preloader, because I thought the problem was inside it…but, It’s not.

So, now when I push my buttons, the whole thing goes crazy and keeps repeating itself.

And there is no reason for doing that.
If you want to take a look…

Just trie to push the buttons a few times…5 - 6 or so… and than, the whole site begins again, and again…

Anyone an idea?
There are no extra scene here… I removed them al…


Wow its out of controll! :cantlook:
Looks like you can still click those buttons when you already did or something…
Could you post up you Fla, so we can take a look. :slight_smile:

Ziet er trouwens tof uit, fris kleurgebruik! :love:
… en ik kan het lezen!


Okay, I think I figured it out. It seems like FLash 8 for MAC has a bug. Because, if my collegue resaved the file as Flash MX, it worked fine. But then when I opened it again, it started to flip again.

So, it has to be a bug !

I can’t post the fla, it’s to large.

Bedankt voor de leuke commentaar. En je ziet hier idd niet vaak een site in het nederlands. :thumb2: