School Website - Suggestions / Comments

just so you know I am not changing colors or the stuff in the middle. so, everything else is a free go.

the site is an eyesore right now, so I took the liberty of making a new one… hhaa.

looks good.

This would be a good school page…

the page looks good. better then my schools web site.:stuck_out_tongue:

Why is the navigation sitting in the middle of the page? Where is the content suppose to go? I think it would be nice if the nav was lined up to the left site so the content can load in the middle…:smirk:

the nav is in the middle because thats the way the site is now… and they dont really have like a ‘news’ page or anything…
and they have different layouts for every section… so this is only gonna be on this one page

Looks good Viper…

I hate it when the layout changes on every page, tell em to change that :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

here is a nav idea:

put another nav bar at the bottom, and have it in the middle. get it? so you always have a nav bar you are used to///