Screen positioning

ok, whenever i design a html page on a 800X600 screen, things look fine. however, when i view my page on a 1024X768 screen, my page is always at the top. is there any way that i can position my web content at the middle of the screen no matter what screen resolution im at, i have seen it on many sites and i think it requires javascripting. can anyone please guide me on this, perhaps point me to somewhere i can learn to do this? im using dreamweaver MX. thanks…

You just need to create a table, set to 100% height and width, then set the horizontal contents to the centre. I think the vertical alignment should be default. Then you can imprt your Flash movie and that should sort your problem out. :slight_smile:

I always make both my horizontal and vertical centered inside that table you mentioned Kit - but that’s just me…

Yeah, you can do that too… I just leave horizonal set to default, as that works out to be the middle of the table. I’m lazy like that. :slight_smile: