Hi all. Ive hit a bit of a snag. I design my work at a default of 980 by 560 (widescreen effect) using javascript to open windows with seamless edges. I’ve always worked with a screen resolution of 1024 by 768. Now the problem is this, ive just been told that the standard is 800 by 600. If this is the case I will need to modify all my work to fit the later of sizes. Does anybody know anyone that has a screen res of 800 by 600 or smaller? I would appreciate as much info as i can get on this matter!!!
Personally I always design for 1024x768 unless the client demands otherwise. So IMO 800x600 is no longer the standard with all these new video cards and monitors.
I mean, this could be an ongoing conversation and/or arguement. I may be wrong, but like you said, when is the last time you walked into and office, or a friends house and used used their 800x600 resolution?
I have a friend who knows nothing about computers, he just bought one and even he uses 1024x768.
I could never work from 800 x 600 again, I used to thats the funny thing. Then I went to 2 monitors and then just got a big one for high resolutions.
Thanks. I see what you mean by it being a difficult one to answer. The “apparent standard” is still 800 600 but i have received a few slaps on the wrist for working on a project using a larger res’. Yet there are some people that i have done work for that couldn’t care either way. Its something i should really bring up more in the brief. Either that or i try and wing it through close my eyes and hope for the best. I prefer the first option
yeah, i think last time i checked, the polls said that it was still about 50/50, but i think most people are making the move to 1024X768…hell, i got these dual 20 inch flat screens at work that are sporting 1280 X 1024…its just around the bend
Well, I own a couple of computers that I use at 800x600 regularly… My others are at 1024x768. But it’s really annoying surfing the Internet on those computers, only because a lot of sites aren’t designed to standard. So my point is, there are still people who use 800x600 daily.
This thread cracks me up! I remember the days, like 6 years ago when 640x480 was the standardand it seemed weird to make the leap to 600x800. I agree though I could not imagine working in anything but 1024x768, but this is an ongoing argument, one that actually increases the ammount of higher res users. As long as designers keep making things in higher res then more people will make the switch. I design for 600x800 and will continue to untill the VAST majority of users at least 60 - 70% use 1024x768. Even one of my computers is still in 600x800 becasue it runs faster at lower res (and it’s just a server).
hmmm… I wasnt expecting a set yes or no on this but im still on the fence about which way to go. I suppose its a good idea to make people go for the switch on to a higher res’ . Suppose at the end of the day i could impliment some of the “API buddy” stuff from director and use it so people can have a choice about which res’ they would like. Still, as soon as i can find the right balance of what people what. e.g focused target audience research. Aggghhhhr Its giving me a headache (the prospect of doing more work)