Wow thanks, that is specific enough that even I can follow!
I can animate in Flash, no problem —but actionscript kicks my tail every time I try to us one.
I have never used the linkage capability on sound before.
I do have a couple of questions, let me explain further what I am after though first.
We are moving our focus from Director to Flash. Because Flash is AICC Compliant. The company I work for builds training modules.
All previous work in Flash was the more complex animation that Director could not handle.
Our client’s union requires that all union employees get this training, AND they listen to the audio completely before they go to the next page.
Some of the audio is rather extensive—we do have some restrictions.
We can only publish in Flash Player 5
File types - aiffs or waves only. currently they do not have MP3 capabilities throughout the entire plant operation. Several hundred or so computers so it is slow moving to get changes made. + to complicate matters they have one IT person.
NO STREAMING - that is a restriction they have placed on their server.
I am working towards streamlining as much as I possibly can,
Therefore currently I have 3 movie clips in the actual published document.
This actually works—but not that well.
layer 1 - clip1 contains the actual loaded page
layer (sound is on this layer so we can sync as close as we can to the event since we cannot stream.)
layer2 - clip2 contains a boxed interface. (kinda TV screenish) with the buttons at the bottom.
Layer3 - clip3 contains the buttons that cannot be available until the sound is finished.
attached to clip1 MC I have this script:
as a frame action in frame1 of clip3 I have a stop.
(therefore this only shows up after clip1 is complete.
This works sorta—However is rather flawed in that there is a lag between the end of sound & the pop up of the navigation.
For testing purposes I had used a small tiney MC with just a short sound file. I was really excited until I tried to place the exact same script into my actual job. somewhere around an 8 second lag 
Hence I am back to square one in the problem solving mode.
Perhaps back to the disable button until sound is complete is the way to go?
This way the buttons would all be there & at least if there were a lag, they would be trying to click until the system played catch up with it,
We originally were going to go with disabled buttons until the sound was done.
OK…now my questions…
my sound is on a seperate MC than the button nav that has to be disabled.
I cannot put the button into the clip that has the sound. becuase of the interface since it is boxed in…I won’t show up 
I loaded the sound like you said ok…
a) becuase of my minimal knowledge of script I don’t know which part of the current script I have disables the button.
I understand to a certain degree (wonders never cease—scary)
how this works in one movie clip.
but how to use what I got to work together in two seperate clips
I am still way lost,
Thank you for any helpful or useful advice you might be able to offer me.
Sorry for the long message but I figured the best way to get help is for you to know exactly what I am trying to accomplish & why.
Seems to me there is about a jillion ways to do stuff.
I just want the most efficient & most effective one for the operating environment & the restriction that I do have.