Scrollbar Component?

Has the scrollbar component been taken out in MX 2004? Or am I just blind? Did they maybe rename it? :hangover:


Yep, you use the TextArea component or make your own scrollbar. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh… i see…

Good… :stuck_out_tongue:

how do you change the text color in the textArea component? It’s on a black background and won’t show up… :frowning: can you use the HTML font tags?

You can easily use the component of Flash MX in MX 2004 :slight_smile: Just open the file containing the components as library and drag and drop to stage :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: thanks, that was much easier :smiley:

I was having the same issues. I’m a Flash newbie and I was trying to do the basic tutorials from the Macromedia site for MX on MX 2004 and it’s a real pain. The textarea component seems awfully static and difficult to work with, and half of the things they go over in the tutorial have been somewhat modified in 2004. I need to find a file with that component in there to drag and drop. At least for learning purposes. Any other tips or good “learning 2004” tutorials would be greatly appreciated!

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**how do you change the text color in the textArea component? It’s on a black background and won’t show up… :frowning: can you use the HTML font tags? **

instanceNameOfTextArea.color = 0x00ff00; // bright green text