Has the scrollbar component been taken out in MX 2004? Or am I just blind? Did they maybe rename it? :hangover:
oh… i see…
how do you change the text color in the textArea component? It’s on a black background and won’t show up… can you use the HTML font tags?
You can easily use the component of Flash MX in MX 2004 Just open the file containing the components as library and drag and drop to stage
thanks, that was much easier
I was having the same issues. I’m a Flash newbie and I was trying to do the basic tutorials from the Macromedia site for MX on MX 2004 and it’s a real pain. The textarea component seems awfully static and difficult to work with, and half of the things they go over in the tutorial have been somewhat modified in 2004. I need to find a file with that component in there to drag and drop. At least for learning purposes. Any other tips or good “learning 2004” tutorials would be greatly appreciated!
*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**how do you change the text color in the textArea component? It’s on a black background and won’t show up…can you use the HTML font tags? **
instanceNameOfTextArea.color = 0x00ff00; // bright green text