
i have a problem with these new components in flashmx 2004…
i have a dynamic text box and i need a scrollbar for it… i could use that new scrolling component, but i want the backgorund of the box to be transparent… why the heck did they remove the scrollbar component from flash mx???
anyway can anyone help me, please?

if you want the background of the TextArea to be transparent, and the border eliminated, put this anywhere in your actionscript:

_global.styles.TextArea.setStyle(“backgroundColor”, “false”);
_global.styles.TextArea.setStyle( “borderStyle”, “none” );

however i have two other questions…

  1. can i mask a component? i have included my text area in a movie clip and tried to mask it but the text won’t appear and if i try to make the whole movie clip fade in or something it doesn’t work…

2… i have this action script… the first line works, as the thext appears, but the second one doesn’t… why isn’t the text turning white?

_root.tra.decla.text = this.declaration;
_root.tra.decla.setStyle(“color” , “0xFFFFFF”);