I am trying to make it so basically in my flash there is an area that can display both text and images and has a mini scroller that you can scroll up and down with. Kind of like an Iframe on a webste…
can anyone point me in the right direction or does this need further explaining?
thanks alot.
go into your components library
there is something called “scrollpane.”
Drag that onto your flash file.
Then click on your scrollpane (it is a square) and on the bottom click on your bottom toolbar, parameters (it’s adjacent to the properties tab)
set CONTENTPATH to my_ScrollMovie
Then make the movieclip you want it to scroll. After you’ve made that movie (I assume it has text and pictures or whatever on it), go to your library. Right click on your movieclip and go to properties.
Set your identifer to my_ScrollMovie
And then run your movie. Your movieclip should be inside your scrollpane.