hallo. moi again… hehe… anywayz, can anyone tell me how to use the scoll pane? lol i wanna make something like this
http://www.lizphair.com go to the gallery…
how do you put scrollers and stuff for the pictures? :cyclops:
hallo. moi again… hehe… anywayz, can anyone tell me how to use the scoll pane? lol i wanna make something like this
http://www.lizphair.com go to the gallery…
how do you put scrollers and stuff for the pictures? :cyclops:
first you put all your text and images into a movie clip. in the library, right click the mc, select linkage, and export for AS with linkage name suppose ‘movieclip’.
Drag the scrollpane from the components window, resize it, in the properties panel, in the scroll content add ‘movieclip’ or whatever linkage name.
btw, for that kind of scroller there is no need for a scrollpane. (unless you want the bar also). Just mask the movieclip with a rectangle, on the button add the AS, increasing or decreasing the _y position of the movieclip and if it has reached the maximum or minimum level, not to do so. I can send you an fla if you want
Here’s a thread on how to scroll movieclips that might help as well.
cooliO! thanks guys :cowboy:
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