Scrollbar with Dynamic textfield loaded from XML

Hi again!

Ive created a dynamic textfield that loads textlines from a XML-file (very basic - just text), according to this turorial:

Then I tried to add a scroll-bar to the dynamic textfield according to this tutorial (just the simple drag-and-drop scrollbar):

But I cant get it to work. All I get is a scrollbar with no scrollingfunction. Do I have to add some sort of actions to the scroll (was under the impression that it was done automatically)?


There is a tutorial on this site for scrolling dynamically loaded text.

yeah i just learned how to do that it should be there :frowning: :*( :evil:

Ok, apparently there are two tutorials on the subject on this page - the one you linked to, and the one I link to above.

The one I read didnt include any actionsscript.

Anyway, I used a simple action attached to two buttons (up, down) - looks better than the grey scroll, but the functionality is a bit crude (one line a click - no autoscroll when holding button).

Ok, thanks, guys :slight_smile:

yeah im still learning too … im finding out all types of stuff … i still get lost quick but im catching on to shiznit … holla