I was playing around wiht my camera the other day and ended up with this after a little PS work. Nothing special but thought u guys might want to see it.
COOL ! nice work.
how did u do the box light up so good ?
just a bunch of differt layers with blurs and overlays on them.
Wow 53 views and only one comment. Quite bunch arent we:x
Nice image :thumb:
I love the effects used. Overall a bit too in your face (hehe, no pun intended) for me though.
Dude your psot count is really getting up there. You wil lbe at 20,000 in no time. I remember when u where at 3000.
LOL, yeah, ima loser
I wouldnt’ say loser more…deticated:thumb:
You’ve helped my sorry self out of a couple situations.
:thumb: Always happy to help!
nice one! I love your site btw sintax.
The minimal site. Ya it is jsut a tempporary one while i figure out what i’m going to do next. It is nice casue it takes all of a second to update.
its is a pretty nice little site, but you might want to use the correct spelling of hiring in your contacts section (right now its highering)
Lol thanxs:thumb:
I’m dyslexic so my spelling is alwasy a mess. I ran every thing through spell chekc but it is all in caps and for some reason it doesn’t find all of them.
this is kinda freaky and cool all at the same time. The coloring is
and the washout is what makes me like this tho. The little techie
typography is a nice fit. I like the blur in the bg too.
What is that above your eye? I can’t tell what it is. Is it your eye
Awesome, I love how everything else is very dark besides your face, the eyes look as if you are staring through me.
Please don’t kill me!
I was actualy blind for a good half hour in that eye after taken the picture. I forgot to turn the flash off and it hit me rihgt in the eye. Was like looking into the sun.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**What is that above your eye? I can’t tell what it is. Is it your eye
overlayed? **
I am pretty sure it is an eyebrow peircing, but I could be wrong.