New topic guys! Onomatopoeia. This one’s going to require you to be pretty creative, and I’m sure a few of you are going to have to consult the dictionary on this one. Thanks to mlk for the suggestion.
Same rules as always. This is still not a competition. Let’s all have some fun.
No dimmensions this time, do what you want =)
Here’s my first one, I think I’ll probably do another one at some point.
Photoshop and Wacom 20 minutes or so
Got a bit bored and decided to color
another half hour in photoshop
What did you use to color that?
Got a bit bored and decided to color
another half hour in [size=4]photoshop[/size]
well as the kids say these days, Rev just pwned me.
Rev has a habit of doing that.
Photoshop it was.
I’m sorry…what? Pwn’ed? I don’t compute…
owned or however those “Hackers” spell it.
Ok back to drawing.
To be sure :).Is this the theme?
he formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word represents; as, the buzz of bees; the hiss of a goose; the crackle of fire.
here ya go, my sad go…
—took me 1 minute—
neocotic, yeah that’s the one one
soulty, I’m glad someone took 1 minute to do it :love:
30 seconds:
Lol Ethan I know what it is. I was just makin a joke…
5 minutes in photoshop…maybe i’ll take more time next time and get something that isnt bad :jail:
my 10 minute work with painter =)
(maybe we can do something with games tommorow?)
Think of something pertaining to games that everyone here could relate to and sure, we can do that tomorrow.
I could see this in a comic… i really could!
btw 10 mins in PS
It kinda looks like Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes), doesn’t it? I mean all grown up of course!
Haha that’s awesome. Draw fugly hobbes!
HAHAHAHA eilsoe you’re my hero.