
Im just trying to make you jealous, lost, so you’ll come crawling to me in a helpless, vulnerable state :beam:

Kit is of no interest to me. I dont dig the armless :wink:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Im just trying to make you jealous, lost, so you’ll come crawling to me in a helpless, vulnerable state :beam:

Kit is of no interest to me. I dont dig the armless :wink: **

:!: :!: REALLY!?!?!?!

Will you marry me Sen!? :beam:

If it comes down to that, then Sen can’t have ‘relations’ with anyone as he lost an appendage in an accident. :slight_smile:

EG looks like your best bet for the moment. :slight_smile:

Kit: Fiesty! :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, it’s almost 4am and I’ve been talking for almost five hours, what can you expect? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a little spaced at the moment. :slight_smile:

Im the non-threatening ‘friend’ :beam: I work for everybody!

Dang, Im not Missing in Action. I’ve been on for a while

MONTOYA!!! You were here, then you were gone, then you were here, then you were gone, now your here again!!!


Well, either that or I just haven’t been paying attention. If that is so… sorry :frowning:

I normally take a few days to practice sword play. :slight_smile:

I’ve been on here almost every day. I’ve seen some nasty threads, crazy topics, etc… By the time I reach most questions, they have been answered, and I’ve been SUUUPER Busy with some sites (very simple ones, but extra money, nonetheless)

As a matter of fact, I need to come up with a SUPER navigational idea, but I dont even have the time to brainstorm. So, if someone has any cool ideas…

Also, a note to POM and KIT… I have that magazine with the tutorials on Tetris, Asteroids, etc… but the pages are so packed with information, it would just be a mess… probably not readable. If you still want them, I’ll give it a shot. My scanner will surely handle it…

Big Hug to my Kirupa family.

I WANT THEM!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

::lost gives montoya a gigantic hug::

Montoya - if you could that would be great. :slight_smile: But if the scanner’s not up to it or there’s too much, then don’t knock yourself out. :slight_smile:

I’ll do one of the lessons, and you tell me if it works out. Okay?

How about that idea I was asking about. Anyone???

Yay! <b>Hugs</b>

Ivan >> are you talking about the nav you’re trying to do?

Yes. This is one of those labor of love things.

Here’s the deal. I have a friend who is an amazing Artist. I mean, this guy has done artwork you’ve seen on billboards driving home. (Like Bacardi, Marbollo, 3M, etc…)

He doesn’t have a site and wants me to put something together for both of us so that later we can generate some business together.

Catch: It’s free (for now). Also, he’s so incredible talented that I am not even sure what to create as an interface that will do his work justice.

Mission: Pick the brains of the brainy. (That’s you guys reading this!!).

Can we see his work? It might help us brainstorm :slight_smile: [size=1]not me but maybe others…[/size]