
I’ve decided to try my hand at Flash gaming, and 3D gaming too, which in all likelyhood is going to have to be Shockwave.

I love Flash, but the lack of proper 3D, hardware acceleration and polygon pushing is a shame.

I must say though, I am impressed with what shockwave can do, until recently I had absolutely no idea that it could use DX/OpenGL, polygons and a proper 3D environment.

How difficult is Director to use compared to Flash and Actionscript, specifically for 3D?

And seeing as Flash is an incredibly versatile application already, arguably THE most versatile program around, why do you think Adobe doesn’t just port Director/Shockwave’s polygonal ability and hardware acceleration over the Flash? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Does anyone know of some good Director tutorials? Specifically 3D and game development in shockwave.


Bumping for sen, seeing as he is back. No need to read everything senocular, I just wondered if you have the 3D fighter available to see that you said you were creating a while back :smiley:

[QUOTE=rumblesushi;2335770]Bumping for sen, seeing as he is back. No need to read everything senocular, I just wondered if you have the 3D fighter available to see that you said you were creating a while back :D[/QUOTE]

Heh, I think I remember saying I was working on something like that… Well, that never happened. If I had the files, I’d definitely throw them over (mostly just 3d joint tests etc), but my hard drive was wiped over the xmas break so not much is left behind.

And really, with the 3D engines out there now, they’d be much better suited for something like this rather than the crap I was throwing together. :wink:

Haha, of course, no prob, I was just curious really.

Do you have a 3D engine of choice sen?

[QUOTE=rumblesushi;2335779]Haha, of course, no prob, I was just curious really.

Do you have a 3D engine of choice sen?[/QUOTE]

Nope. I’ve never really worked with any of them.

Last thing, definitely have a look at afaik there’s at least one ex Director person over there now. They’ve got a pretty nice kit, it’s cheap as chips to get started, they’re a young aggressive company and really focussed on 3d online gaming. I’m not sure what the penetration of their plugin is like but for online 3d, I haven’t seen anything like them before. Oh, and they say they’re going to be on the iPhone soon.

Totally agree, if you want 3d unity rocks soo much its unbeliveable, all of those as3 3d engines looks like a sick joke near to it,they are poor even compared to old stuff(3d for web is nothing new) like the old director
It also will never risk to die like director because you can also use it to do wii games and [URL=“”]games for the i phone
The only ‘probem’ is penetration, and as some guys talks it seems that downloading and installing a plugin was the most difficult thing of the world; if it was flash itself would never have the penetration it has today, and besides, flash users have to download a new version of the plugim almost every week now, due to security problems, so i think that for the masses this is nothing new, it didnt stop a unity game to be the first one in for several weeks
Look at that demo how cool is that
The only con is…you gotta have a mac to author it