I wanna learn director. So Anyone help me please.
I saw a few projects made by director. I like that.
SO where can i find director tutor?
I wanna learn director. So Anyone help me please.
I saw a few projects made by director. I like that.
SO where can i find director tutor?
ur better of buying a book. this way u can learn lingo (director’s actionscript) also director is not in anyway meant for the web
well actually… Director has been recently been used on the web, it is a multimedia program, mostly for cdrom productiinos etc… or the like, but its incredibly hard to learn and use (i used to do little stuff in director.) Once you understand and learn Lingo , its powerfull, it has 3d capabilies and alot more its pretty sweet =) .
But i feel flash will become bigger and take over director, and director will fade out. =)
Thanx all u guys. Sorry about that i gave a ms. so after.
But i’ll take a little knowledge about that director.
I saw a cd with made by director and something i didn’t do in flash was there. So i interested in director. BUt FLASH is better than everything except 3D.
Flash wont be bigger than director because Flash is based on the premise that Flash movies should be small, compact and quick loading. Director really isnt tied down by that burden. Its focus is more, as mentioned, offline cd roms and installations. Though web capabilities are there, they are more for higher end necessities such as gaming and 3D, whereas with Flash, its about small file sizes and a fast pluggin which is small and quickly downloaded and installed if needed.
In learning director, it helps if you have any kind of programming background - Flash especially as its programming within the confines of a timeline. Though its not entirely like Flash, there are enough similarities to make you feel a little more comfortable within that environment.
Is there a particular reason you want to learn Director? … or is it one of those things where you want to learn it just to learn it?
senocular just layed it down for eveyone, i have used director 8.5 to make 3 cd presentations, and i ended up pretty much createing the entire thing in flah and thenimported it to my stage in director. for exampe you can program flash buttons to control your timeline in driector
I am almost done making my Swift 3d Movie, and i am using Flash, It is crashing a lot. Should i use Director, i have that, but don’t know what it does or is… I put all my JPGS in Flash and it cannot preview movie, i always have to publish, then watch the SWF externally, otherwise it will crash. Director? How can i use this program? Can it handle my kind of project? I will be putting it on CD.
Yes, Senocular.
I have a reason for learning that programm. But i don’t know anything about that. So where can i find a something about that programm?
and I know flash not so big.
What can u advise me about Director?
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