
What? What did I say this time? :stuck_out_tongue:

did ne one ever beat sephiroth for kingdom hearts?

whoa kit, thats amazing! i gotta learn to draw!

Wow :beam:

wow kit, thats really good!!!

keep up the great work.

yea its amazing, im making a bigger copy to fram if you dont mind. i love sephiroth!

btw, check out my new FF footer. i like it!

OMG faints :love:

Thanks kitiara now I have to send you those pics I took in the man thongs I bought on EGā€™s store in exchange. . . .

Sephiroth is indeed cool, and so is that pic, Kit. but is he smiling? :stuck_out_tongue: heā€™s not exactly the cherriest in the orchard :wink:

That is very nice work, Kitā€¦ I wish I could draw that well. Very nice indeed. =) (I beat Ruby Weapon with Cloud. :slight_smile: )


i just drew cloud. it sucks but i will post int he morningā€¦

*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *
**Sephiroth is indeed cool, and so is that pic, Kit. but is he smiling? :stuck_out_tongue: heā€™s not exactly the cherriest in the orchard :wink: **
Yeah, heā€™s sort of smilingā€¦ Because heā€™s insane and just torched an entire town. :evil: If you look at the FMV in the game, heā€™s smiling evilly. It doesnā€™t show up as well as it did in the original .ai file, since I had to scale him down a little bit (wanted the flames to be big).

Checked on CafePress, itā€™s not quite the right size for posters and prints, so Iā€™m going to re-do it a little to fit. :beam:

But go ahead UncleGuito. :slight_smile:

Nice! Althoug the fire is kinda strange where the guy is standing but itā€™s ok
Nicework! :slight_smile:

Yeah, itā€™s awkward to do when you draw it the way I did. :stuck_out_tongue:

Instead of being sensible and drawing it all in one, I drew the background fire first and coloured it, then drew Sephiroth afterwards and fitted him in. :sure:

So youā€™re absolutely correct, itā€™s not the greatest join in the world. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll fix that when I redo him for CafePress. :slight_smile:

Kick *** drawing. I absolutely loved FF7, I replayed it around 3 times and spent countless hours doing the Chocobo racing. I love that game.

FF7 clearly rocks. :beam:

Which character next? :slight_smile:

Bahamut!!! :evil:

THe Jenova container frontā€¦ you knowā€¦ the one Sephy pulled off. That was kickarse.

Here is an example of it (former footer at Eilsoes old forum)


Or Barret


Ooo! Jenova! Good idea, Lostā€¦

Iā€™ll do that scene wher he pulls off the mask, that way I can get Seph in there too. :slight_smile: Genius, my man! :slight_smile:

Thats one of my favorite scenes in the game :love:

no Bahamut? ;( I hate you lost!!! :stuck_out_tongue: