American Dan, this is for you. I would have put this in D&D, but I don’t know how often you go in there, so for the time being, Random it is - I’ll move it later.
You asked for Sephiroth… :beam:
American Dan, this is for you. I would have put this in D&D, but I don’t know how often you go in there, so for the time being, Random it is - I’ll move it later.
You asked for Sephiroth… :beam:
WOAHA! I love sephiroth, my favorite character! Wahoo awesome!
wow, thats amazing. the fire is breathtaking!!
That’s nice, I love the way you color your work. You just gave me an idea for my next 3D model. I will attempt to model one of the giant weapon bosses, probably Ruby.
Do you have any images of these weapon bosses so I can use them as references?
yea i do! i love FF7
Thanks guys. I love Sephiroth too, one of, if not the, best villains in any game.
EG, I’ll have a look for you. I’ve got loads of Final Fantasy pics scattered around, so there’s bound to be something.
Sephy is my favorite character of all time, in any game, or in real life
He rocks, that picture rocks, you rock… and I think I got rocks in my socks.
Nice coloring Smudge tool in Photoshop?
Go Seph. :beam:
Lots of smudge and blur, indeed. :beam: The fire is so difficult to do with cell shading. :sure:
[SIZE=1]And I’d advise you to empty your socks, otherwise you’re gonna have trouble walking, you know? :)[/SIZE]
here EG,
Thanks Guito, do you have one of emerald by any chance?
ahh, im gonnga frame this pic for my rooom
Kit: Actually I am barefoot right now =) Those rocks were annoying me.
And EG: The picture UG supplied is of ruby weapon (as it says), he was the strongest/hardest/and longest to beat boss of all of them. Including the final Sephiroth :x It took me an hour to be Ruby Weapon… in one sitting. It was FUN FUN FUN though.
I noticed that on that cafepress site of yours EG, that one of the items is a Mini Poster Print… So I was thinking about turning some of my larger pics into those.
Lost - totally agree, Ruby was a nightmare. Once you’d figured out what you needed to beat him, you had o sit there for an hour and actually do it… :sure: And he took out two of your characters too… I beat him with Vincent in the end (my favourite character :beam:) Mind you, I beat everyone with Vincent.
have u guys tried sephiroth in kingdom hearts? hes impossible
Go for it Kit, I’m sure they’ll sell like hot cakes. =)
Wow - excellent work kit Looks impressive!
Thanks Guito, these will be a nice challange to model.
Lost, yeah ruby was hell, my fingers fell off after I beat him. I wish they made a game where there were more bosses like Ruby.
Kit: Go for it, I think your images will sell like hot cakes [size=1]done agreeing with and copying off of EG[/size]
And yes, Ruby did take 2 of your characters… it took me a few tries to figure out what I needed to beat him, but with some strategizing I eventually got it. It was amazing to watch him go down :love: I beat him with Cloud.
It was such a feeling of achievement when he finally died. :beam:
The first time I encountered Ruby I had no idea what it was it it knocked the stuffing out of me in one hit.
I think I had just about everything Mastered by the time I beat him. It was down to luck that he took out the two characters I wasn’t bothered about and left me with the one who had everything equipped.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
The first time I encountered Ruby I had no idea what it was it it knocked the stuffing out of me in one hit.
LOL, why does that sound so funny!?!! hahahaha
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