setChildIndex breaks timeline animation

I’ve got a movie with some buttons in the middle of the screen (that I placed right on the timeline, not using addChild). I’ve got a tween on the buttons to make them grow/shrink on rollOver/rollOut, when a button is clicked, I’ve got a frame animation that moves the buttons to the top of the screen and shrinks them. This all works fine.

When the buttons grow, they need to appear on top of all the other buttons. Since there’s no more swapDepths in as3, I’m using setChildIndex to move the rolled over button to the top. Now, when I click one of the buttons (after rolling over it), any of the buttons I’ve rolled over aren’t affected by the frame animation.

Here’s the code, and I attached an fla file…any ideas??

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

for (var i:int=1; i<=2; i++) {
    this["btn"+i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseListener,false,0,true);
    this["btn"+i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseListener,false,0,true);
    this["btn"+i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseListener,false,0,true);

var tw:Tween;

function mouseListener( event:MouseEvent ):void {
    switch ( event.type ) {
        case MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER :
            tw = new Tween(,"scaleX",Strong.easeOut,,1.5,.50,true);
            tw = new Tween(,"scaleY",Strong.easeOut,,1.5,.50,true);
            var mc:MovieClip;
            mc = as MovieClip;
            mc.setChildIndex(mc.getChildByName(( as MovieClip).name), (mc.numChildren - 1));

        case MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT :
            tw = new Tween(,"scaleX",Strong.easeOut,,1.0,.50,true);
            tw = new Tween(,"scaleY",Strong.easeOut,,1.0,.50,true);

        case MouseEvent.CLICK :