Shared Objects

Ok guys it’s shared objects time, duh na na na da dum da dum, can’t touch this…

Anyway. SharedObject.getLocal(objectName [,* localPath*])

I was reading up on these beauties, (finally a server free way to store data via flash) and the localPath parameter got me thinking. Flash help says:

*localPath *An optional string parameter that specifies the full or partial path to the SWF file that created the shared object, and that determines where the shared object will be stored locally. The default value is the full path.

Basically I want to run my swf/projector from a flashdrive and store the shared objects also on the flash drive… Is this possible, do I just go?:

kookie = SharedObject.getLocal(“kookie”, E:\asdf\my_movie.swf)

all my attempts have failed…


Robert :kir:

BTW shared objects are stored in:

C:\Documents and Settings*yourUserName*\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\localhost – For locally run files not using a browser.

C:\Documents and Settings\Gavin\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player#SharedObjects*someGiberish – *for websites and locally run swfs using a browser

If not do a search for *.sol files (no not sol.exe)