Should be easy Q?

i wanted to load .swf into main of this tutorial

it loaded fine,but the movie supposed to change the background when mouse rolls over…but it doesn;'t…So Does anyONE knows how to tackle this issue.?



The first thing I’d check is the path within the your scripts…
Try _parent or this instead of _root… or similar… :wink:

well this. kinda did the same thing, but the rest didn’t work

i’m using : loadMovie(“randombackground.swf”,“blankMC”);

it loads fine, but then it doesn’t change the background when when the curser moves over it.

any more suggestions…i also had a similar problem b4 with another .swf which was loaded fine ,but didn’t work properly.

it loads fine, but then it doesn’t change the background when when the curser moves over it.
What is the script for this???

look the link i provided on the top :slight_smile:

Um… Do I have to go over the tutorial to find the code you have used??? :frowning:

hey… Thanks by the way.:flower: