Should i take a Java Class this semester?

I need to take a java class for my GE anyhow. I would like to learn AS as quick as possible. How much would a java class improve my AS capabilities and understanding?

—I ask because i need to balence the value of a learning java with the difficulty of mixing java class with other potentialy hard classes this semester.

If you’re talking strictly of Java, then you won’t be able to pick up on AS as quick. If you’re talking about JavaScript then you’ll easily pick up AS.

The functions for JS are much the same in AS.
Java is more heavy programming. Sure you’ll definitely be better at programming, but with AS’s syntax and style, you’ll still need to get used to some stuff.

Yeah javascript would be great. Learning Java along with actionscript might get a little confusing. If its Java used to teach introductory programming, though, you’ll get a strong handle on programming in general which would be real good for learning AS. Then its just a matter of learning the syntax and how it works and less so much how programming works.

Anywho, java is a great and pretty powerful language, that has a more widespread use than most other programminglanguages. Im pretty sure you wont regret putting time into learning it.

um, i believe C++ has more widespread. the applications you are using right in front of you were programmed in C++.

but Java is growing widely popular these days for web applications.

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**um, i believe C++ has more widespread. the applications you are using right in front of you were programmed in C++.

but Java is growing widely popular these days for web applications. **

which are more abundant than those in front of you now in C++ :wink: Also Java is used in many cross-platform apps like open office and LimeWire.

… another thing is that if you get really into Java, you wont like coming down to AS. It lacks in comparison, both in capability and speed. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**which are more abundant than those in front of you now in C++ :wink: Also Java is used in many cross-platform apps like open office and LimeWire.

… another thing is that if you get really into Java, you wont like coming down to AS. It lacks in comparison, both in capability and speed. :slight_smile: **
and in style ;). Knowing other programming languages, I like calling Actionscript a “sloppy” language because it isn’t so picky at times about data types and initializing variables. You can very easily go

x = 5;

and actionscript won’t budge, whereas if you tried that with most other languages (C++ especially) the compiler will go haywire and start spitting out more lines of error than there are of your code. It’s insane.

yeah. i :love: as

anyhow these are all object-oriented languages - so once you learned one the others seem a bit easier to learn…

Java and then AS is a pleasure.
AS and then Java is a nightmare.
C++ is a nightmare in itself.

*Originally posted by Ilyas *
**Java and then AS is a pleasure.
AS and then Java is a nightmare.
C++ is a nightmare in itself. **
but C++ then AS then Java is completely indifferent. :wink:

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**um, i believe C++ has more widespread. the applications you are using right in front of you were programmed in C++.

Maby a re-read of the post would be in order :wink:

[Java] has a more widespread use than [watch out, this is a key-word] most other programminglanguages.

thanks for the AS-sistence (. . .oh my side. . .)

Most widespread programming language?

Im gonna say Javascript. Sound right? Just think of how many web pages out there that use it - even if the author just used a ‘make menu’ button to make it happen.

I dunno what you all are talking about. FORTRAN definitely has ground in this day and age. Whenever you click that Submit Reply button, guess who’s doing all the work; yep, FORTRAN. When you shut down your computer, guess who’s unloading all your applications, FORTRAN. When you turn on your computer, who’s friendly neighborhood programming language takes action to serve power to your hardware? FORTRAN.

FORTRAN :sigh: pffft what a waste of a programming language. Who needs it! I say everything should be written in [link]shakespeare[/link]. The world would then be a much more beautiful place. =)

or pig-latin:

ystemSay.outay.intlnpray("elloHay olrdWay!!!");

lol The best part is your string is iglatinpay’ed too :slight_smile:

meh, i was on a roll. :wink:

i’d make it so that the compiler would see the string wasn’t in pig-latin and throw a bunch of syntax and runtime errors.

i took a few java classes and it helped me learn to use methods. once you know how to use methods, the concept is the same in as, you just need to learn the syntax

Java is an integral part of my degree. I love using it. I love programming, but that doesnt make me a geek.

Anyway, learning Java wont make you be an action script guru. But it will help you think out your problems in a more logical way. You’ll be able to break problems down and reason solutions.

Saying that, learning ANY OOP language will do that to you too. Taking a Java class wont harm you. You’ll learn about classes and objects, which are the key elements to a good program.

You’ll learn how to link things together and how to reuse parts of your code, how to make parts of your code more efficient etc.

The only thing you’ll have to work on is learning the AS syntax, which is totally different to Java. The idea is the same, just the way your go about it is different. Example:

Defining a method in Java:
[AS]private int myMethod(int aParam) {}[/AS]

Defining a method in AS:
[AS]function myMethod(aParam) {}[/AS]

See, the idea is there just the implementation that is different.

I think learning Java is a good thing. So go for it.
