So has anyone else seen it? I saw it today and I have to say despite the over the top deal with the cult it was really good. I thought it was a great summary of the 1-2 plot.
I thought the CGI was amazing as well.
I do think that if you have not played through the games you would probably hate this flick, just because of the questions it leaves you with. Had you played the games you would know what’s coming.
I really liked how they threw in the overhead cinematography simulating the camera views the games would give you.
(Unlike that horrible arsed first person view diddy they tried to pull off in Doom)
So if you have played 1 or 2 – go check out this flick.
I haven’t played the games, yet…I really want to though. However, I thought the film was awesome. Maybe playing the game would have given me another level to criticise it on, but I was impressed. Dunno if the film has now ruined the game.
CGI was top notch, general camera work was well composed too, worked incredibly well with the eerie ash filled ambience.
The questions I were left with are…is silent hill hell/another world, as obviously the wife is in another world to her husband, so therefore did she die/get taken there when she ran over the girl in the street? But the police lady didn’t run over the girl (I presume) but crashed, so she must be dead??? Hope I’m not too off the plot.
The whole idea of the girl being called there by the other girl in her dreams was understandable, to get the mum to be able to access the church, and act as a vessel for the evil ones, but my friend didn’t get that. (Well i presume thats what was happening)
For a scary film it was impressive. 8 out 10.