Sim Forum

I actually saw this in the Download section at Flashkit and it made me think of a great way to show a Forum.

You set the forum up like you normally would but for the navigation you would have a Sim City that has houses and other structures for all of the users…the ones that have been there the longest and have the most posts would have larger buildings and be near the center while people that joined would start developing on the outside.

As they did more, their place would grow in size…

More over, you could create libraries and other places of interest for, the Mods, tutorials, links, lab…etc…

if you knew the code that made the actual game “prosper” you could make a kirupaville style sim city that would grow into a metropolis as well!:tie:

Sounds fun :stuck_out_tongue: Anyone know how?

  • Soul :goatee:

Depends on how you would wnat to do this is how it could be done… It could definetly be done… And I’m thinking of the possibilities of coding in my head right now…


I’ve played all the SIm Cities… So to point out some more insight to this… Try making building grids… When a new member gets to a certain height (don’t want one for every single new member… it would be chaos)… Say after 100+ posts you start going up in levels. You can do whatever to your house you wish and everything.

It’s like kirupaville… Cept more centralized aroudn a whoel citiscape feel instead of upclose on the streets.

I guess my problem is that I have too many ideas and not enough time to impliment any of them. :crazy:

I think that it would b really neat, the idea that navigation doesn’t have to be based on hyperlink text…

Maybe it could be a project for the “team” to have a Kirupa site in flash since that what this place is mostly about:beam:

It would have to be voted upon… To be fair and just but I’ll mark it down with the other possible “exercises”… I wanna gte at least 3 or 4 experiment type items done before we try and gte any “contract deals” going… That way it’ll set up everything a little better… I’m still working out how everything will be handled precisely… In the whole though… I think we are doing good with no “absolute” means of communication via chatroom.

As for your navigation idea… it’s a thought… But instead of each new member getting a building… How about each new post?

sounds great but what about each thread that makes it past 10-20 replies?..that way it’s based on threads and not members…

the only reason that I suggested a building for a member was that everyone would have a place as long as they were active…inactive members would lose their place but another thing that you could have is different communities based on drawing and design, flash, actionscript etc…

that’d be awesome… and you can just tie it to the back end of the forums, no need to replace them… so people would have a way of choosing between html or flash…

hmm… I just got “actual” hosting (compared to “school” hosting…) so I’m going to try doing some of that stuff with PHP and flash.

I think buildings should be based on threads… and of course, this would be something in isomentric projection, gridbased.

My idea would be for the lenght of a thread to determine the height of the building, and the time of the last post would determine the closeness to the center… For example, the first 4 posts would be at the center 4 grids (randomized…) the next 3^2 - 2^2 posts would be in the squares surrounding those two, etc…

You could increase the size of the building after 4 posts or something (some of these threads get long…) So like a new post is a little plot of land, 4 is a shack, 8 is a house, 12 is a store, etc…

OR… an alternative would be to have the lenght of the thread determine the area of the building it takes…

just some thoughts… i shall experiment.

It could be possible… But man would the city ever get big and man would it ever be hard to load upon…

I’m thinking… Small towns… Each town has it’s own bigger scale city… which has it’s bigger scaled region…

A region would be… Random, Art, Flash Mx… Etc…
A City would be … Tutorials, Video Games, Coding…
A Town would be the individual threads then in those sections…

That’s the only way I could see the town not getting way too big…

Now that I think about it… A better method would be the kirupa members instead of posts… Random Section would have their own shanty of people while the Battles would too… You’d just have to post a certain amount in each section to have your own building be built…

shrugs… it could be done… with processor intensive comps…