First off I am new here and am using Flash MX 2004 on a PC.
The only question I have is when creating a button, by simple coverting to a “button” symbol, how do you have a OnRollOut affect. I want to be able to have a button effect when my mouse rolls over a button and then when it rolls off to have another effect. Can anyone simple tell me how to do this? Thanks.
i think this post belongs to the Flash MX 2004 section…
but anyway, if its anything like the Flash MX, then you should be able to add those effects by clicking your button… its takes you to the button mode [ or whatever you call it ]…
you can also use movieclips and put them inside your button to make the effect look better.
but im not sure if thats how it works with flash mx 2004…
event handler. Make an invisible button (alpha = 0) and place it on top of a movie clip that has the rollout effect as part of its animation.
then, code the button:
_root.myanimatedmovieclip.gotoAndPlay(the frame number or frame label of your roll out animation goes here);