yoyo – I’m new to flash…but I’m quite familiar and comfortable w/ the adobe suite. anyway there seem to be some glaring differences between Illustrator and Flash with regard to simple vector editing.
:hat::pac: say hello to my little friends*
Is it me, or is there no way to take away the stroke and/or fill of an object after you create one in flash? I mean I can edit the color of the stroke and fill, and the weight of the stroke no problem…but I can’t get rid of the stroke or fill without actually selecting it and deleting it. which is a pain in the butt because I notice flash deletes the stroke away in segments instead of all with one click. and I hafta move the fill out of the way in order to drag-select and get all of the stroke to delete it, and that gets tiresome when there are multiple objects on stage. am I doing something wrong???
oh, and also it annoys me how I can’t drop the opacity [alpha] of an object without converting it to a symbol, but when I convert it to a symbol, I can’t edit the nodes – oops, nevermind I just figured that one out by double clicking on the symbol - but anyway, the stroke and fill thing still bothers me.
can a brotha get some lovvvve?