So i’m at one of my college classes now learning about minimizing/maximizing windwows, exploring windows, dragging windows, opening/closing programs, dragging windows and so on…
you could teach this stuff to monkeys…
why am i here?
So i’m at one of my college classes now learning about minimizing/maximizing windwows, exploring windows, dragging windows, opening/closing programs, dragging windows and so on…
you could teach this stuff to monkeys…
why am i here?
is it an information systems class? I hear they even teach you how to use the computer’s power button in those classes. Wheeeew!
they even teach you how to use the computer’s power button in those classes
wow - would be cool if I knew how to switch my computer off :o
you could teach this stuff to monkeys…
LOL :lol:
I know how u feel… been there… or in a similar place :to:
my last job my boss reminded me how to reboot a server. I just stood in disbelief as he went through step by step how to do it.
I’ve been a web developer for 4 years, I think I know how to restart a server. God I wish I’d hit that guy before I left
I took a keyboarding class in highschool that spent a week on where all the buttons are on the keyboard. The only thing that saved me from rampaging is watchin some of the blondes go clueless.
wait…you can actually move the windows anywhere you want to?!? Wow I really have to use this computer thing more often, seems it can do a bit more than solitaire says it can…
Ya the computers for dummies classes are a bit dated these days, then again in my intro to networking, a woman actually thought that if you cut the wire little 1’s and 0’s would fall out and make a pile on the ground…
I took a computer “class” last year in 8th grade and I used it as a study hall.
Funny thing is the teacher came up to me today and asked if I wanted to join the robotics team.
Try to get full marks in that course, I bet it won’t be as easy as you think it is. Or maybe it is.
Actually, I got caught twice for playing games because I finished the ‘typing’ assignment in 5 minutes, that made the mark go from perfect to 95, I’m an idiot.
I had this computer composition class in high school where you pretty much just learned wordperfect (DOS) and duplicated documents to hand in for a grade. You could tell if it was wrong or not just by comparing yours to the final. Just fix it and turn it in and you can ace the class. It was a cakewalk and we all finished our assignments way ahead of time. The teacher was cool enough to let us play doom when we were done (networked against each other) which was like half the class time. It was the BEST_CLASS_EVER
last year, this is supposed to be year 10 information and technology class, half the year i spent sitting in a chair chattin to my friend on msn cause the rest of the class was struggling on how to make a circle, in powerpoint, while me and my buudy had finnished the work for the next three months, sigh i felt like such a nerd nut isnt it just comon sense
click on the picture of the circle
drag to the size you want
tadaa a circle, wow :drool:
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